You can contact our JustCommunity office to access of range of services including Education, Rehabilitation, Law consultancy and Programs

Contact Details

Aarif Rasheed | Lawyer, Mediator/ Arbitrator, Facilitator 

Community Advocacy and Consultancy 

t: 09-2826484 |  m: 021 29 555 49
681 Sandringham Road, P O Box 16 072, Auckland 1351

Legal Representation 

Roskill Community Law & Auckland Defence Chambers
t: 0800 LAW LAW
681 Sandringham Road, P O Box 16 072, Auckland 1351

Community Education and Training 

Mizan Library
St. Chad’s church complex, Sandringham
t: 09-2826484 |  Email:
All community education related training programs and courses

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